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  • Brigitte H... 17/08/2024 16:04

    Mir geht es hier in der fc lediglich um das Betrachten von  Fotografie .. Um Persönlichkeitsrechte mögen sich andere sorgen..;)
  • Susacu 17/08/2024 16:11

    Da machst du es dir aber einfach…bei Ansicht deines Portfolios sieht das aber anders aus..deine Portraits sind durchweg sensibel aufgenommene Bilder und man sieht das der abgelichtete sich durchaus bewusst war fotografiert zu werden
  • Manzana Ácida 17/08/2024 16:54

    I have to answer to this comments cause you are thinking too much, there are not appropiated for my picture.
    It’s my family, my mother, my sister, myself, is sure I have their consenting. We’re happy to be able to laugh everyday, cause every moment together are important to us, the situation is not important (bad, good…). And I’ve the best mother no one can have, and I’m proud of this. I can’t see bad things in this picture. Only my reality.
  • Susacu 17/08/2024 16:59

    Thank very much for your words I understand you and your motivation now. First I was a bit surprised because I didn’t see a laughing in the face of your mother 
    I am so sorry and I wish you and your family all the best 
    Greetings susanne