mlle Sol 31/10/2007 21:37
Lovely atmosphere you have in this picture.//Sol
Armin Leitner (5) 25/10/2007 16:28
Dry and beautiful. Good title, too.Best regards, Armin
Andrej Nagode 16/10/2007 20:49
Wow...great place. Nice picture!Best wishes - Andrejc
Jutta.M. 15/10/2007 23:34
Oh, I can smell it!greetings Jutta
Alfred Spectrum 15/10/2007 22:01
Nice shot, I like the low saturation in this one.Best regards,
DRAGA PUC 14/10/2007 12:24
impressive, Pawel.cheers
ENIWA 13/10/2007 21:59
Ladne ujecie Pawle, Gratuluje.pozdrawiam , Ewa
CsomorLászló 11/10/2007 11:03
Sehr schöne landschaft!lg
Allan Thompson 11/10/2007 8:11
Such A beautiful tribute to trees,well done!!Vesela Maleeva 11/10/2007 0:32
Pretty shot and pretty subdued tones.Ves
Giorgos Fidanas 10/10/2007 23:14
Beautiful parade...!steffen s... 10/10/2007 22:38
nice scene - like itComy 10/10/2007 22:13
good composition, interesting picture...Inez Correia Marques 10/10/2007 21:40
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT PAWEL .. BEAUTIFULGeoff Ashton 10/10/2007 21:04
nice composition and coulerscheers geoff