adriana lissandrini 15/06/2012 21:50
I think we all have a preference for red ..... beautiful shot!a hug
Canan Oner 15/06/2012 21:14
:-)))Excellent capture of the shining red car Adele...
Much hugs,
Sigrid E 15/06/2012 20:47
Die günstigste und gesündeste Alternative ist am Pfahl angebunden. Die, die ich wählen würde ist rot ;-))))LG
Vitória Castelo Santos 15/06/2012 20:34
I hate bicycle :-))))))))))))))))))Great shot Adele
Nice WE
MICHAEL stüben 15/06/2012 19:47
Jes, why not.......takes eight ours to charge.........what do you think about this on.........Michael .................. d 15/06/2012 19:44
You mean the bicycle?:)I couldn't agree more:))
Great crop and presentation.
Bw, Viola