: ))) if nena were a scot, i think she might have chosen a similar outfit to perform 99 red balloons in! ; ) love the kilt-like miniskirt/skirt-like minikilt ; ) and the groovy and twisted but also slightly grace-kelly-esque ; )) "princess veil" he's wearing on his pate! and above him clouds, or rather an accidental baldachin… ; )) a fun outdoor shot, adele, with so many interesting details to discover. the animated exchange between the two colorful ; ) people in the foreground makes the image of course! hugs, sabine.
Artmin Scholz Galerie 08/08/2014 12:43
Der neue Mode Trend. Sehr gut. LG, Arminchantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 19/06/2014 19:34
Bellissima street ! CiaoLauro Benvinda 19/06/2014 18:19
They are serving LSD in Starbucks now?What a fine character :)
Jenipher Baker 19/06/2014 11:09
Party time !!!!!!!! a good shot filled with a top atmosphere :-)))lg Jenipher
JValentina 18/06/2014 13:15
Una escena de calle muy bien vista..me encanta el colorido que tieneun abrazo
lolita cecilia 18/06/2014 0:16
Magníficos y originales "modelos"....ESPLENDIDA esta imagen...
Un abrazo Adele
Vitória Castelo Santos 17/06/2014 22:06
Funny:-))))))))))))Alexa frost 17/06/2014 19:41
Theese two guys are so typical from peace and love years !I enjoy this mood and this picture.
LadyNoone 17/06/2014 17:42
They seem to have big fun :)Mannus Mann 17/06/2014 11:39
Einen schönen Blick in die bunte Menge zeigt dein Foto.Viele Fotos und eine frohe Zeit wünsche ich dir, Mannus.
s. sabine krause 17/06/2014 11:17
: ))) if nena were a scot, i think she might have chosen a similar outfit to perform 99 red balloons in! ; ) love the kilt-like miniskirt/skirt-like minikilt ; ) and the groovy and twisted but also slightly grace-kelly-esque ; )) "princess veil" he's wearing on his pate! and above him clouds, or rather an accidental baldachin… ; )) a fun outdoor shot, adele, with so many interesting details to discover. the animated exchange between the two colorful ; ) people in the foreground makes the image of course! hugs, sabine.ARTURO MEDINA 17/06/2014 11:08
Adele Muy buena captura, está genialMarkus 4 17/06/2014 9:52
ein Freak! Aber er steht dazu!Mutig
Frederick Mann 17/06/2014 9:16
eye opener of a picture
alberto16-menuder 17/06/2014 9:03
un simpatico scatto-ciao