... and to think that I had never given it a thought ... a very interesting docu shot, excellent sharp details in the gondolas and those great old buildings ... superb tonality !!!
hugs, Adele
I always wonder how you manage your black / white photos to make so intensive. This contrasts and grayscale are absolutely gorgeous. A scene that for a B & W is perfect. Exciting, lively and very interesting. Another great photo from your hometown.
I wish you still another beautiful day off ;)
Warm hugs, Roland
Une photo reportage très belle et très intéressante ... Cela me rappelle une émission vue à la TV Française dernièrement sur cet endroit si particulier... Superbe N&B et magnifique ambiance de travail ....sur les Gondoles à Venise !!!
Merci de ce beau partage Chère Adriana !!
martino perbellini 25/05/2015 6:56
Belllllissima! Ciao. Martinocatweazle99-Tierfotografie 25/05/2015 5:56
finde ich klasse dass Du uns Einblicke über diese Seite von Venedig zeigst - tolles Foto und bestens bearbeitetlg K.-Heinz
Adele D. Oliver 25/05/2015 4:34
... and to think that I had never given it a thought ... a very interesting docu shot, excellent sharp details in the gondolas and those great old buildings ... superb tonality !!!hugs, Adele
fotoephoto 25/05/2015 3:47
Avevo visto un servizio tempo fa proprio su quello.Un bel documento, un quadro in un interessante e ben mappato bn.
rolvin 25/05/2015 2:02
I always wonder how you manage your black / white photos to make so intensive. This contrasts and grayscale are absolutely gorgeous. A scene that for a B & W is perfect. Exciting, lively and very interesting. Another great photo from your hometown.I wish you still another beautiful day off ;)
Warm hugs, Roland
Janne Jahny 25/05/2015 1:22
That looks like work.Interesting picture like out of a book from the last century.
Antonello Medici 25/05/2015 1:15
Molto bella !!!!claudine capello 25/05/2015 1:13
bello infatti bisogna davvero saperle fare ! complimenti una bella foto e un ottimo documento clmaurizio bartolozzi 25/05/2015 0:39
Un buon documento, valido il b/n.TSB 25/05/2015 0:26
Excellent!Maud Morell 25/05/2015 0:19
Molto interessante la vostra motivazione. Vorrei guardare me come una volta.Avete presentato il quadro di nitidezza molto bene.
Cari Saluti da Maud
Peter Svetitsch 25/05/2015 0:19
Ein interessantes Foto, sehr schön in Schwarz/Weiß!LG
karlitto 25/05/2015 0:17
Einer super schöne saubere Gestaltung und für ein normales Dokufoto fast zu schade.Besonders der Mann mit dem Schritt passt sehr gut rein!
Eva GD 25/05/2015 0:14
Une photo reportage très belle et très intéressante ... Cela me rappelle une émission vue à la TV Française dernièrement sur cet endroit si particulier... Superbe N&B et magnifique ambiance de travail ....sur les Gondoles à Venise !!!Merci de ce beau partage Chère Adriana !!
Odette LEFEBVRE 25/05/2015 0:13
magnifique noir et blanc, je crois reconnaitre cet endroit...très bon souvenir pour moi
ta photo est superbe, tu es une artiste