wave after wave… you seem to be jollily drifting across the world, adele! ; ) love the wistful mood here, and how the two little sculptured figures seem to be waving out to the sea, in unison with the palm leaf! ; ) hugs and have a great time and return safely! sabine
Alfred Schultz 14/10/2014 13:46
Do not fall off the Mexican ladderwhile you're away.
¡Hasta la vista! und Auf Wiedersehen.
Gruss - A.
Claudio Micheli 14/10/2014 13:17
Jenipher Baker 14/10/2014 12:57
A lovely way to say ' see ya latter' I like the little figures and the toning .Have a good break !!!!!
lg Jenipher
Sigrid E 14/10/2014 11:42
So long Adele, eine schöne Zeit wünsche ich dir!Machs gut :-)
LG Sigrid
Tatiana Gutskova 14/10/2014 11:17
superb!good luck, Adele! look will wait for your return and new photos.
bw Tatiana
Emilio Sirletti 14/10/2014 11:06
Good holiday.See you soon, Emilio
Francesco Fusco 14/10/2014 10:29
+++++Christian Villain 14/10/2014 10:18
Jolie restitution de cette curieuse et originale sculpture ;Bonne vacances et à fin Novembre .
Amitiés .
alberto16-menuder 14/10/2014 10:14
bella e ben composta ciaoMarkus 4 14/10/2014 9:57
hab eine schoene ZeitHabedieehre
BRYAN CRUTE 14/10/2014 8:59
What a great idea and sculpture ! Good picture well convertedRegards
YVES Lr 14/10/2014 8:51
Alors bon voyage, Adele! En route pour cueillir lots of dreaming picture!s. sabine krause 14/10/2014 8:45
wave after wave… you seem to be jollily drifting across the world, adele! ; ) love the wistful mood here, and how the two little sculptured figures seem to be waving out to the sea, in unison with the palm leaf! ; ) hugs and have a great time and return safely! sabineMark Billiau. 14/10/2014 8:41
Well fitted shot to say bye-bye.Enjoy your break, Adele.
JURAFR 14/10/2014 8:27
De l' art moderne !!! c 'est trés bien fait , un grand et beau N/BAmitiés