claudine capello 20/05/2015 20:29
un angolo di ripresa davvero bello e originale ! complimenti anche per i colori accesi molto gradevoli e la nitidezza avanti e in fondo !!! perfetto cl!Waldi W. 20/05/2015 20:25
you had a fine hidden place to take a shot of the statuesMauro Tomassetti 20/05/2015 20:23
Excellent view point of Buddha and wonderful photo!Hugs Mauro
Angelika El. 20/05/2015 20:15
Herrlich warme Farben und solch schönes Licht konntest Du hier dennnoch einfangen!!!!
Was für ein Motiv...
LG! a.
María de la Rosa 20/05/2015 20:06
Markus 4 20/05/2015 19:08
Sillon 20/05/2015 19:06
Superb frame about this beautiful place, Adele !! JérômePeter van der Houwen 20/05/2015 19:04
Unique capture of this beautifully decorated hall!Peter
JX 20/05/2015 18:59
Da ist Dir ein traumhaft schönes Foto gelungen.LG Beat
Mark Billiau. 20/05/2015 18:57
Excellent capture and presentation of this impressive prayer hall.Very beautiful !!