Claudio Micheli 14/01/2017 15:41
....è splendida!Ciao!
Adele D. Oliver 14/01/2017 4:34
how lovely this scene of mother and child interacting ... a great story andwell captured and shown in black and white !!!
best regards,
adriana lissandrini 13/01/2017 21:16
a sweet scene and tender and lovely, with a great Venetian backgroundphoto wonderful, dear Jost, bw is excellent
how many beautiful Venetian pictures you kept in the drawer!
compliments! Dear greetings
Mauro Tomassetti 13/01/2017 20:56
Excellent street capture!Regards Mauro
Carlo.Pollaci 13/01/2017 20:55
Lovely street scene.Best wishes.
Mario Siotto 13/01/2017 17:37
*********Magnifique ce N&B,j'aime beaucoupAmitiés
s'hlawakaya 13/01/2017 17:21
...eine wunderbare und außergewöhnliche Szene aus dem Straßenleben von Venedig, sehr gut von dir festgehalten....lg shlawa