Laki K. 01/03/2006 14:19 Commento di voto
hm, is there something in photo what i cant see and which would describe the "tasteless" term?seems like my imagination is gone...
Abdul Khaliq 01/03/2006 14:19 Commento di voto
As said by Ruud ......"The Gallery is intended to be a showcase of the best work by members, not as the means to get comments !"
Luke Johnson 01/03/2006 14:19 Commento di voto
contraJan Van Der Hooft 01/03/2006 14:19 Commento di voto
Good for the wastepaper basketSorry to say this
Dennis Veldman 01/03/2006 14:19 Commento di voto
contraDer Zacki 01/03/2006 14:19 Commento di voto
as VladimirVladimir Danilov 01/03/2006 14:19 Commento di voto
Tasteless... Fat contraRick Chinelli 01/03/2006 14:19 Commento di voto
Cherished sensitivity.