When you watch them till the end and let them go,
it's not so harmful ...but my impression might joke me. ;-)
Your serial is very original and well done, I like it.
(Normally you woudn't see her lurking, but hit her at once.)
Greetings Frauke
It's very interesting to see how your blood fills the abdomen of the insect ;-) ... In our "Tierphysiologie" course at the university it was always funny seeing how things "work" in animals when they are almost transparent ...
Karin u. Martin Bahmann 12/06/2007 14:02 Commento di voto
proZwei AnSichten 12/06/2007 14:02 Commento di voto
unbedingtes Pro !hab schon wieder unter den Viechern leiden müssen !
gerla 12/06/2007 14:02 Commento di voto
protorben meyer 12/06/2007 14:02 Commento di voto
so was von pro† Ingrid Sihler 12/06/2007 14:02 Commento di voto
Promömmi. 12/06/2007 14:02 Commento di voto
Tolle Dokumentation ;)Pro.
Norbert H. 12/06/2007 14:02 Commento di voto
:-/+)Maik Petrich 12/06/2007 14:02 Commento di voto
+P+R+O+Ivy Poison 12/06/2007 14:02 Commento di voto
Ich hoffe das Bild rechts unten ist das Resultat einer zerdrückten Mücke! ;-)PRO!
Christa und Bernd 12/06/2007 14:02 Commento di voto
PRO !LG Christa
Beate Zoellner 12/06/2007 14:02 Commento di voto
Faszinations-proAndré M. Hünseler 12/06/2007 14:02 Commento di voto
Eine großartig umgesetzte und interessante Doku über die kleinen Blutsauger. Ist einfach faszinierend anzusehen und toll gemacht. :)Frau Ke 09/06/2007 12:54
When you watch them till the end and let them go,it's not so harmful ...but my impression might joke me. ;-)
Your serial is very original and well done, I like it.
(Normally you woudn't see her lurking, but hit her at once.)
Greetings Frauke
Marco Berg 25/05/2007 22:04
ROFL ... great series!You had to suffer for a long time ;)
Michael Reutlinger 25/05/2007 19:22
It's very interesting to see how your blood fills the abdomen of the insect ;-) ... In our "Tierphysiologie" course at the university it was always funny seeing how things "work" in animals when they are almost transparent ...cheers