Claudio Fortunato 17/05/2022 17:34
Molte grazie per il tuo apprezzamento!Ciao
Kharmencita Cortez 17/05/2022 12:14
Hi, Thank you so much for appreciating some of my Pictures. I'm very happy about it :-) On the other hand I also admire your subjects of interest in photographing very interesting walks of life about "PEOPLE" in the world! Have a nice Day :-)Rolf Wernet 12/05/2022 17:46
Herzlichen Dank für Dein Lob zu dem Foto 'Farbenspiel - Auditorio de Tenerife. VG RolfKatieAn 11/05/2022 21:46
Vielen Dank für das Lob.Grüße Katie
sigi.nestler 10/05/2022 10:59
Recht herzlichen Dank für das Lob und liebe 'Grüße aus Salzburg, SigiM. Weber 2 07/05/2022 19:35
Vielen Dank für Dein Lob. Du machst sehr interessante Aufnahmen von Menschen. In vielen Fotos liest man gleich eine Geschichte.LG Manfred
Hartmut-D. 03/05/2022 14:28
es sind so tolle Fotos, man kann "nur" jedes loben !!Gruß
HerBertM 23/04/2022 12:03
Vielen Dank für Dein Lob. LG HerbertPfriemer 15/04/2022 11:14
Thank you for your interest on my photo from Cambodia, I'd like to be your photo friend and remain with my warm greetings from Bangkok WolfgangJajaouterspace 07/04/2022 8:14
You are back for a while, so great to see your wonderful photos again.Keep it coming!
Thorny Devil 02/04/2022 13:53
Very nice to see you active here again - something would be missing...Regards Marcus
Robert L. Roux 28/03/2022 11:52
e eu te agradeço ...your kind appreciations
warm my heart
greetings from the north country