Do you know how to write a reaction paper? If so, you are definitely in the minority. A lot of students assume this type of essay merely involves reading a text and then stating whether they liked it or not. But in reality, writing a reaction paper review and critique is essentially an analysis essay in which you examine the work below the surface. Read more
Do you know how to write a reaction paper? If so, you are definitely in the minority. A lot of students assume this type of essay merely involves reading a text and then stating whether they liked it or not. But in reality, writing a reaction paper review and critique is essentially an analysis essay in which you examine the work below the surface. Read more
Joanna Webster 05/10/2020 16:18
Do you know how to write a reaction paper? If so, you are definitely in the minority. A lot of students assume this type of essay merely involves reading a text and then stating whether they liked it or not. But in reality, writing a reaction paper review and critique is essentially an analysis essay in which you examine the work below the surface. Read more Webster 05/10/2020 16:18
Do you know how to write a reaction paper? If so, you are definitely in the minority. A lot of students assume this type of essay merely involves reading a text and then stating whether they liked it or not. But in reality, writing a reaction paper review and critique is essentially an analysis essay in which you examine the work below the surface. Read more eddarson 21/03/2020 10:02
Good to know all these points, basically I am a writer and work online. If anyone is a beginner and stuck in language, language projects, check Absenger 01/01/2020 8:49
...wunderbare Naturfotos.Bürgi Ernst 27/12/2019 18:56
hallodanke vielmal für den freundlichen kommentar.
l.g. Ernst
Cornelia H.B. 06/12/2019 20:03
Danke für dein Lobdu hast aber auch klasse Aufnahmen!!!
LG und einen schönen Nikolausabend
Uwe-Krieger 05/12/2019 19:18
Danke für Dein Lob. Du hast eine tolle Galerie. Besonders die Vogelaufnahmen sind klasse. LG uweLuis Absenger 01/12/2019 18:52
Danke!Birgit und Ralf Geulmann 29/11/2019 16:29
Danke für Dein Lob!!!hpike 25/11/2019 17:01
Danke fürs Lob meines Kleibers. ????Gisela A. 24/11/2019 17:55
Vielen Dank für das Lob zum Foto Gemeinsame Rast.Viele Grüße sendet Gisela
fotomona 24/11/2019 17:36
danke für Dein Lob !!!!!Cornelia H.B. 24/11/2019 12:07
danke für dein Lob!LG Cornelia
khl15 20/11/2019 17:14
danke für den Besuch und das Lob....du zeigst in deinem Portfolio echt starke Makros und Bilder....LG Karl-Heinz
Norbert Bormann 17/11/2019 21:21
Danke für dein Lob zu meinem Foto Museumsinsel.viele Grüße aus Berlin Norbert