Alessandro Mongiu 01/04/2006 21:24
MI piace il tuo modo di raccontare la vita attraverso la fotografia....parte da dentro la tu anima!...brava continua cosi'....ciao da AlessandroBlumenkind I. 23/03/2006 13:35
das profilbild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mario Leko 20/03/2006 15:10
ej super ti je fotka
bas sam ljubomoran sta imas holgu :( he he
Tina Prisch 17/03/2006 18:55
:-)erol t. 12/03/2006 23:42
hhhhmmm i don´t knowyes no yes no yes no....
Enrico Doria 28/02/2006 16:00
i like very much as you make a picture...Siegfried Vogel 22/02/2006 22:26
I really like what you show us, buddy. :)LG SV :-)-;
Quer Beet 30/01/2006 21:07
great photos!!!superlative
no more than 5 seconds and you were on my buddy list.
Linda B 27/01/2006 16:17
thanks:)Bojan Glamocak 15/01/2006 5:29
Hristos se rodi i sretna ti nova brate :)!Mario Leko 14/01/2006 12:56
vidim dala si se i u polaroide :))M III 12/01/2006 0:05
excellent photography !!!!Thomas Wyler 11/01/2006 0:37
buddyMia F. 10/01/2006 16:49
i'll keep an eye on youdon't want to miss an other shot
thanks for showing your pics here!
Red Zora 10/01/2006 12:55
hey dugeil die sachen die du da machst!!
great! very nice pics!!
red z.