Hallo Khistian, thanks for your appreciate comment to my photo. But, compliments for yor photo " fascination Star Ferry" is very, very good. Ciao Guglielmo.
Hallo Christian, thanks for your visit and the kind comment to my photo.
But above all thanks still in order to have introduced to me your beautiful photos of travels. Soon, Guglielmo.
Sandro Emanuelli 04/10/2006 7:41
Many thanks again Chris :-)Ciao
Sandro Emanuelli 04/10/2006 7:39
Many thanks for your comment. You are right, many islands in the Mediterranean sea are similar: matter of climate and civilization.Ciao
Guglielmo Antonini 04/10/2006 1:08
Hallo Khistian, thanks for your appreciate comment to my photo. But, compliments for yor photo " fascination Star Ferry" is very, very good. Ciao Guglielmo.Pierluigi Mioli 03/10/2006 8:48
Grazieciao PL.
Sandro Emanuelli 02/10/2006 21:19
You are a fine observer! It's really a very romantic place. CiaoSandro
salvo DI PINO 02/10/2006 21:19
Thanks! Your photos are sensational! Compliments!Sandro Emanuelli 02/10/2006 21:15
Thanks a lot for your comment. CiaoSandro
Model Sula 02/10/2006 18:26
Hallo Christian ..vielen Dank für Dein Kommentar und Dein Kompliment!
LG Mischu
Guglielmo Antonini 02/10/2006 17:09
Hallo Christian, thanks for the comment always from appreciate me. Ciao Guglielmo.Cyberman 01/10/2006 18:36
DAnke mein lieber Fan..:-)lg Albert
Maik Köster 01/10/2006 16:22
Herzlichen Dank für die Anmerkung zu meinem BildSchön das es Dir gefällt.
Gruß Maik
VJE 01/10/2006 11:09
Danke fuer das Lob. Das von einem Meister der Kamera zu bekommen freut besonders. Du hast tolle FotosGruss
Guglielmo Antonini 30/09/2006 22:59
Hallo Christian, thanks for your visit and the kind comment to my photo.But above all thanks still in order to have introduced to me your beautiful photos of travels. Soon, Guglielmo.
Karsten Homann 30/09/2006 22:06
Hallo Christian,danke für die nette Begrüßung hier in der FC. Ich freue mich auf eine tolle Zeit mit schönen Fotos.
lg Karsten
Cyberman 30/09/2006 17:03
Danke Christian ..es ist schön zu wissen, daß einige hier in der FC einen beobachten ..:-)
lg Albert