Canan Oner 23/10/2007 9:17
Thank you so much Pascal !!!Have a nice week..
Abraham's 23/10/2007 0:23
Bonjour Pascal, thank you very much for taking the time to watch and to comment my pic ... and its title! Regards, Harald.Stefano Todde 22/10/2007 19:38
grazie Pascal,un carissimo salutoManu61 22/10/2007 14:58
Thank you for your remark. You have also beautyfull pictures.Manuela Tabor
Antonio Morri 21/10/2007 21:45
Grazie per il commento!Ultimamente con le tue bellissime foto stai battendo i record di commenti!
Bravissimo Pascal
Simona Carli 21/10/2007 16:50
merci Pascal!^_^Anca Silvia B. 20/10/2007 18:36
Merci Pascal!Kind regards,Anca
Moreno..Brandi 20/10/2007 16:41
Grazie dei tuoi graditi commenti.Ciao Moreno
Jean François Mottier 19/10/2007 17:49
Merci pour les commentaires de mes photos mais depuis pour des raisons techniques et inconnues je ne puis découvrir vos nouvelles photosEn attendant Amitiés Jean
Kedi 19/10/2007 15:19
Hi Pascal! Thank you soo much for your comment. I'm proud and glad that you liked it... :)Best wishes
Monique Leone 19/10/2007 12:22
grazie Pascal
Bruno Vallarin 18/10/2007 14:06
Ciao Pascal, ti giunga un caro saluto, Bruno.Luigi Scorsino 17/10/2007 23:28
Molte grazieCanan Oner 17/10/2007 22:45
Thanks so much Pascal !Loved your new profile image:))
Marco Bembo 17/10/2007 17:35
Grazie di cuore per la visita aciao. MB