Martin Erni

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Commenti 3

  • Emi Satou 28/03/2006 14:25

    Thank you for visiting & comments.
    You are great artist!!

    emi :)
  • Michael Gillich 05/02/2006 17:22

    Welcome to the FC!
    I also love SE-Asia ;)
    lg MIKE
  • Martin Erni 05/02/2006 14:57

    Hi my name is Martin.
    Whenever I got some free time and of course some money I go to travel. My favorite destination is Japan and South East Asia. By accident I found this amazing page with all this talented photographers. As you can see I'm still a beginner in taking pictures. To make more progress I decided to open an account in this community and hope I'm going to get a lot of criticism and and ideas to improve myself.

    My pictures are done by an anologe Minolta Dinax 7000i camera. Now I'm thinking to buy a new digital camera but still not sure which brand I should choose. I thinking to change brand and maby buying a new Canon or Nikon equipment. So I'm very grateful for any recommendations about a good digital camera as well.

    Thanks for your comments and help.
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