PDP Pictures

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Su di me

photography...i cannot paint

mainly b&w

leica and lightroom

Commenti 4

  • alexander stefanatos 28/12/2015 11:30

    Dear Philip, we had a short but lovely Christmas break with our doughter that came from London. I hope yours were also happy. I wish a new year full of happiness and health to you and your family.
  • L.O. Michaelis 23/12/2015 10:45

    Welcome back!
    Was wäre die FC ohne deine meisterhaften Aufnahmen...?!?
    Freue mich über deine Rückkehr...!
  • alexander stefanatos 25/11/2015 21:50

    Dear Philip, sincerely delighted to hear you are back and to combine your comeback with lovely pictures. Honestly I missed not only sharing your pictures but also having your opinion on so many things and feeling the pleasure of your company. So many things happenned in between...
    friendly regards
  • Mauro Tomassetti 24/11/2015 16:17

    Hello PDP
    and welcome to FC Com!

    You will soon appreciate how useful and enjoyable it is when you share your pictures and impressions.
    To start your activities, I suggest you leaving comments under other users pics and interact with them. Your opinions are very important!
    Your first friends, as well as new inspirations, are awaiting you.

    Good light from
    Mauro Tomassetti
    Admin Team
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