Pepe Jutglar

Free Account, Segovia

Commenti 7

  • Sergio Pessolano 09/12/2006 20:43

    Hi Pepe,
    Sorry I would send you a private message, but I don't see this option in your profile.
    OK, you are right: a bad use of Neat Image certainly destroys the image structure, especially in the shades, but in many cases the grain and the noise is really unacceptable. You too have appreciated the clarity of my pic "Confrontation". That photo, otherwise, would be full of noise and not presentable.
    Kind Regards.
  • Pepe Jutglar 09/12/2006 19:59

    neat image is a pain! a big pain for photography at this moments, it kills all the natural organic feeling a picture has.... everything looks like plastic and artificial. best Pepe
  • Sergio Pessolano 09/12/2006 18:04

    Hi Pepe,
    Thank you so much for your comments.
    About "Confrontation" I used Ilford FP4 (ISO125), camera Fujica ST 801 with 50mm lens. The smoothness you noticed is dued to the editing with Neat Image, a great plugin which removes all the grain and the noise without quality loss, indeed it also has options to improve the sharpness.
    Have a nice weekend.
  • Nurry N. 25/11/2006 21:52

    muchos grazias...

  • Patricia. F. 21/10/2006 4:26

    MIt bestem Gruss aus Davos. Patricia
  • Wilhelm Harlander 01/10/2006 19:59

    Servus Pepe,

    ..........viele Grüße aus München.

    willi - germany
  • Armin Leitner 27/09/2006 15:54

    Bienvenido a la FC !
    Viviendo a Segóvia, te da multidudes de ocasiones de muestrar una ciudád extraordinaria. Esperamos mucho más aún !
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