Le mie migliori foto
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Welcome Everyone! The expressions that follow are a testament to the commitment I've been striving for to express my life. Without these 'links' , the fight to live creatively is lost to mediocrity.Explore your links to creativity and so to the life source.
Francesco Margarita 17/12/2007 15:05
Marry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
ciao Francesco Margarita
When 27/02/2006 12:11
Hi Rick,Welcome from Seattle. Hope you enjoy the community.
Robert L. Roux 14/05/2005 5:04
You done good, KidRick Chinelli 13/05/2005 9:31
I am in great appreciation of Mr. Hopper's work.Which image(s) of mine do you see the likeness?
Thanks for your input , Michael.
Michael Maytal 12/05/2005 8:42
hey rick....interesting ...some of your work brings a E. HOOPER atmosphere...