Dana Jeandron

Free Account, New Orleans

Su di me

I am 36 yrs. old, married with no children. I am the one on the left!!
I have never considered art a commodity, for me, it is a necessity. I feel it is my "job'" to make you stop for a moment and look at something differently, to show you that, in spite of what we first see, there is more, much more.
I am an Interior Decorator and have always been very interested in art and architecture, but photograpghy is a new venture for me. I just started taking photography classes, and am just enjoying the learning experience!!

Commenti 45

  • Guglielmo Antonini 22/03/2006 18:45

    Hello Dana,
    Thanks four your nice comment.
    Belle e naturali le tue foto.
    Ciao, Guglielmo.
  • Harry B. Jaeger 11/01/2006 9:56

    hi dana,
    welcome to new year and fotocommunity italy ;-))
    greets from vienna

  • Ray Steinberg 04/12/2005 22:22

    Hi Dana,

    Thanks for your comment on my photo "The Flasher".
    After all the trouble you folks had down there in New Orleans, It's good to still hear that you can get a good laugh, and that I made it possible.
    Take care.

  • Josep A. Collado 04/12/2005 18:29

    Hi Dana.
    Luckily, I have just read news of yours. You do'nt know how I have been happy about knowing that, luckily, you are well. For all time, I looked often if you had put any new photo or had answered to anybody in your profile.
    Now I know that we can continue counting on you.
    Sincere greetings.
    Josep Antoni
  • SCOTTY 17/10/2005 10:38

    Hi Dana,
    it's a great relief to read new comments from you.
    What's the situation at home? I very much hope there is still a home.
    I wish you all the best for the future.
  • Matthäus Felder 13/10/2005 20:11

    Hi Dana,
    I just looked at your pictures outstandingly and can only say: "super!!". I’m strained on what there still comes. Will set you on my Buddy list. Further on much fun here!
    Regards, Matt (from Germany)
  • Michael Zelbel 13/10/2005 18:44

    Hi Dana,
    I love your photos over here. I especially love the way you are working with colors. I hope we will see more of that in the future.
    Regards, Michael
  • Wilhelm Harlander 13/10/2005 15:28

    ........Special Picture to Dana.........*gg*

    S L O W
    S L O W
    Wilhelm Harlander

    willi - Munich City - Germany

  • SCOTTY 11/09/2005 19:59

    Hi Dana,
    when I sent my QM the levee was still okay and I wasn't able to imagine the extent of the devastation. And so I want to confirm my hopes that you and your beloved ones rode out Katrina (what a nice name for such a horrible force of nature) without severe losses.
    If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to contact me.
    My thoughts are with you.
  • Kurt B. 07/09/2005 20:03

    Dana I pray for you and hope you`re safe!!!!
    So many days are gone without response from you since this black day.

    Please contact me!!!!!

    Your friend from Germany
  • Darren Yates 06/09/2005 2:51

    hoping you & family are safe and well, thoughts with you all, again keep up the good work

  • When 03/09/2005 16:38

    Please be safe.
  • Harry B.P.F. Jaeger 31/08/2005 12:13

    I hope you are in security!!

    greets from vienna harry
    Harry B.P.F. Jaeger

  • John Barnett 30/08/2005 6:11

    I hope you weathered Katrina well. My Best to you!
  • Kenny Jazz 26/08/2005 16:46

    Thanks a lot for visiting my local experiences, thanks for coments and jazz information. Wish you all the best in photography and not only..:)).
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