Linda Hoffman

Free Account, Yokosuka

Su di me

I am a girl from Florida who joined the US Navy as an officer and was stationed in Yokosuka Japan. I began photographing everything I saw to send home to my family so they could understand my life over here, but now I am taking them to capture the beauty I see everywhere, as well as the things that make Japan unique. I am a true beginner and am hoping to learn a lot through others experience and my mistakes.
I call this photo "Drunk in Roppongi Station" I am the one looking at the camera.

Commenti 2

  • Visiones de vida. 25/03/2005 0:54

    Linda,...welcome to the FC....a belated welcome, but very much meant!.....
    Im one of the channel managers here to help out with any concerns or questions..please feel free to ask, I will do as much as I can to help out. :)))

    and as always...we wish you the best in our endeavours..



    buddie button on!....I would love to see you fulfill you goals with your photography....:)
  • Kurt Karschin 20/02/2005 11:54

    Hy Linda,
    welcome to FC and, of course, in Japan. Open your eyes and you will see a lot of impressions in an quite another culture. Where is Yokosuka ?
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