Su di me

This is my MUA profile on the network! I am already known as a model (you can find me on, but I would like to contribute to workshops, photosets, artistic projects as make-up artist.....I worked together with different make-up artist since my modeling carrier....and fall in love with this art.

I'm new we can say to this artistic expression...but would like to get in.
I'm open minded for any collaborations with other artist.

I do also Nails with fibreglass system.

Most of my make-up and styling on my personal shoots is made myself.
check out my model profile

Credits as Make-up artist
Whiphoto shoot with model Xanthia
Paul F. shoot with model Lady Xymena
different sets for model Rea Silvia-
photo by Alex Giudice, Nikk, Emmepi14, Alberto Lisi.
Alex Giudice shoot with Lara Zibret
Alex Giudice shoot with Claudia Silver
Claudio Taiana shoot with Ms. Lynna

x ATV entertainment video:
pornstar Sofia Gucci
pornstar Bambola
pornstar Crystal Crowne
pornstar Linda


NIikla Black model ...dopo svariati anni di esperienza come modela ho imparato dagli vari make-up artist la arte del trucco che mi affascina e ho cominciato essere presente negli backstage come makeup artist. Prediligo trucchi elaborati, quasi teatrali visto che mi muovo più in fotografia fetish ma sono aperta per qualsiasi interpretazione e tipologia di trucco.

Aperta per nuove collaborazioni.

Faccio ricostruzione unghie con Fibbreglass system, decorazione e manicure.
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