1.981 16

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

At the ship yard

The photo is dedicated to my good friend Christos Banos, for many years a very good friend of the sea...

For tough seamen and especially fishermen, a relaxing brake seems a luxury. Even when their boat is safely moored in a port or shipyard, there seems to be a good share of work waiting for every one of the crew, male or female.
A very tough,dangerous and often not handsomely rewarding proffession as many think.

Commenti 16

  • mike snead 11/07/2015 1:26

    a beautiful scene.
  • SINA 18/06/2015 13:12

    Ein schöne S/W Darstellung dieser atmosphärischen Szene des ganz normalen Alltags der Fischer lieber Alexander
    Herzlich Kristine
  • Mark Billiau. 17/06/2015 9:17

    Good docu shot of these fishermen at work !

  • sparkling light 15/06/2015 12:01

    I love theese fisherman photos.You can literally hear the seagulls, smell the nets and the diesel fumes. Atmospheric in the true sense of the word. But not to make mistakes about it, hard work it is.
    Fantastic black and white, Alexander.

    Yours, Jost
  • Giampiero Mazzoleni 15/06/2015 9:51

    Foto bellissima, bravo Alexander.
  • Christos Banos 15/06/2015 4:06

    Very nice recording of a moment from the hard life of the people of toil of the sea!
    My friend thank you very much for your dedication!
    Something such images remind me one of my old love ...
    This seductress sea!
    Geia sou kai na exeis mia kali kainourgia ebdomada
  • adriana lissandrini 14/06/2015 22:28

    Excellent composition, that I like so much, an extraordinary wealth of detail, definition and b / w to the top
    un caro saluto Adriana
  • Janos Gardonyi 14/06/2015 14:44

    a classic......!! janos
  • Johanna C. 14/06/2015 11:50

    Great work situation and a beautiful B/W photo!
    Wish you a nice Sunday!
    best regards, Johanna
  • Harold Thompson 14/06/2015 10:05

    Credit too them. Nice exposure with the full range of tones
    :-)) Harold
  • Sue Thompson 14/06/2015 9:42

    Men who go out to sea in small boats or in ships, they are a special breed. They are at the mercy of the vagaries of the weather and the sea itself. Coming from a town that was once the largest fishing port in the world, and having lived amongst the falilies of fishermen, I have seen the great sorrow when not just one man was lost, the whole ship was lost at sea.

    A superb shot of these men busy getting ready for the next trip.

  • Sillon 14/06/2015 7:40

    Magnificent picture about man at work, Alexander !! Jérôme
  • Carlo.Pollaci 13/06/2015 23:09

    Magnifica descrizione di un lavoro duro, i cui inizi si perdono nella notte dei tempi.
    Un caro saluto,
  • Adele D. Oliver 13/06/2015 21:25

    fishermen hard at work, never having much leisure time ... an excellent "catch" - lots to see, a very telling image !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Mauro Tomassetti 13/06/2015 21:22

    Great situation and beautiful photo!
    Regards Mauro


Visto da 1.981


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