5.509 5

Victoria Payne

Free Account, Newtown,Powys

Commenti 5

  • Jacek Imiolek 27/06/2006 20:31

    im not sure about this castle. i think is a bit too much resized. i like colour but composition is bit too centered.
  • Vladimir Rolov 31/10/2004 21:08

    Victoria, napishite mne
  • Vladimir Rolov 31/10/2004 21:07

    liebe Freunde, ich bin gezwungen die Anmerkung auf Russisch zu schreiben. Falls ich richtig verstanden habe, liebe Victoria spricht Russsich.
    Dorogaja Victoria, sdravstwujte. Jesli Wy hotite poobshat*sja s dobrogelatel*nymi Fotografami na russkom i nayti fotodrusej, wot wam adres: www.photoline.ru. Tam bywaju inogda i ja. Libo napischite mne na adress dunkany@aol.com.
    Wash Rolov
  • Paul Clarke 31/10/2004 11:35

    Good fantasy work. Sort of like the airbrush fantasy work you see without being so "airbrush perfect" if you know what I mean...?
    It's sometimes difficult not to create "Kitsch".....be careful ;-))
  • Jozef Elias Wolak 30/10/2004 8:53

    Hi Victoria,
    This is really great!