Broken Silence
when an iceberg calves and breaks up into smaller chunks, the sounds are like thunder .... this was close to happening here, but I did not experience it there, saw and heard it years ago in Alaska .....
Broken Silence
when an iceberg calves and breaks up into smaller chunks, the sounds are like thunder .... this was close to happening here, but I did not experience it there, saw and heard it years ago in Alaska .....
Andreas Wellnitz 29/05/2013 10:25
Das zeigt den Menschen wie klein sie sind,lg.Andreas!Pierre LAVILLE 15/02/2013 21:42
Silvana W. 13/02/2013 20:57
Awesome****.I love this blue/ white***¡¡Hugs
corvosson 12/02/2013 22:34
Oh je - atemberaubend und imposant,aber für das Klima eine noch viel grössere Katastrophe :/Der Wasserspiegel wird steigen - die Menschen können die Erwärmung nicht stoppen - und man wird keine geeigneten,schnellen Massnahmen finden.
Die Saurier waren harmlos gegen das was wir anrichten ;-(
Sehr gute Doku
† cathy Blatt 11/02/2013 19:01
wonderful this mixture of blues and whites,cathyviola d 09/02/2013 23:53
Splendid. And I love the title. V.aline64 09/02/2013 21:17
D'une grande beauté, je suis en admiration devant. Être photo, ungrand bravo AdèleAmicalement
Claudio Micheli 09/02/2013 17:05
Janos Gardonyi 09/02/2013 16:59
yes, impressive indeed. I like the blueish coloring. JanosLawson McCulloch 09/02/2013 15:09
I can almost here the sound of the ice breaking away in this fine shot wishes,
Markus 4 09/02/2013 12:36
das muß ein gewaltiges Erlebnis sein, Ich beneide dich um deine EindrückeHabedieehre
s. sabine krause 09/02/2013 12:27
can only repeat myself: like nothing i have ever seen before!! so strange and so beautiful. there's two very different matters it distantly reminds me of, though: the first one i encountered in chemistry class many, many moons ago, but since i'm a total failure if it comes to chemistry, i can't even remember what it was called, some kind of raw alkali or alkaline earth metal maybe… the second matter? oh, yes, a lot more trivial, i'm afraid: a giant meringue – impossibly mentholated ; )), hence the bluish glow! hugs, sabine. p.s.: your description of the calving – wow, quite impressive! must have been a breathtaking experience to be able to witness it that time in alaska!Rainer Golembiewski 08/02/2013 23:16
sieht grandios aus.............schönes Wochenende!lolita cecilia 08/02/2013 22:56
Una imagen excelente con unos colores de lujo....Preciosa fotografía...hermosa luz...
Un abrazo
Brigitte Lucke 08/02/2013 22:55
Excellent Adele! What an experience!!! I love to travel with your photos!Have a nice weekend !