Despite the common opinion, girls are of no worth, this young father displays a great pride and love for his Little Princess :-))
Peking 2000, People waiting in front of entrance Tiananmen Square
Despite the common opinion, girls are of no worth, this young father displays a great pride and love for his Little Princess :-))
Peking 2000, People waiting in front of entrance Tiananmen Square
Annemarie Quurck 03/06/2015 7:39
Die Aufnahme bringt das sehr sympathisch rüberlg annemarie
Stefania Cecchetti 02/06/2015 12:25
C'est magnifique! Bravo!Amitiés....
claudine capello 02/06/2015 9:05
ma si è la cina moderna !!! complimenti un bel ritrratto di gruppo e una bella street cl