688 7

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Evening time

Aegean islands

Evening is the usual time for some rest for the locals that they gather at their doors for a chat before going, relatively early, to bed.

Commenti 7

  • dolphin-e 30/09/2016 22:04

    Positive scene. Simple and pleasant in perception.
    Have a nice weekend, Alexander.
    Friendly regards,
  • Harold Thompson 27/09/2016 9:49

    Good street scen of th lady having a rest and a last drink maybe of the day
    :-)) Harold
  • Sue Thompson 27/09/2016 9:31

    Something that used to be done in many towns here in the UK. People would gather at their front doors and have a good old 'chin wag' before going in an to bed.
    What a lovely smileyour Lady here has. An excellent environmental portrait.

  • Visiones de Vida 27/09/2016 5:50

    Beautiful capture and environment!...

    Alexander, thank you so kindly for such rich and detailed history of your heritage!.. Now more I truly appreciate your work!

    Muchas gracias de corazón and please I invite your perspective and experience when it comes my strides to better my craft...

  • Adele D. Oliver 27/09/2016 1:36

    a well deserved rest from a day full of work and hot sun - so nice to see her smiling face and imagine her sharing the latest news with her neighbours ....
    greetings, Adele
  • adriana lissandrini 26/09/2016 23:50

    ancestral customs ... splendid picture, a beautiful story of life
    un caro saluto, Adriana



Visto da 688


Fotocamera NIKON D200
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 4.8
Tempo di esposizione 1/60
Distanza focale 13.0 mm
ISO 800

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