2.089 6

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Fides vince.....

region Tzoumerka
monastery of Kipina

The monastery of Kipina was constructed in 1212 in the honour of the Asumption of Virgin Mary. It is built entirely in the rock, as if curved, at the midst of a steep cliff and in old times the only way of access was by means of a large wooden container lifted up from the ground by the help of elementary machinery motivated by hand. Now one can reach the monastery through a short path leading to a wooden bridge that takes you with in the monastery. Earlier there was a draw bridge guarding the entrance from intruders.The construction of the monastery is impressive with every part of the rock being used in a sense of humble serenity.

Commenti 6

  • Stropp 23/09/2018 11:07

    Incredible. The human being is so creative ... sometimes in a beautiful way.
    Best regards. Ana
  • Emilio Sirletti 28/06/2018 6:05

    Greece is famous for these monasteries built in once inaccessible places.
    In this small series you give us a good example.
    Ciao, Emilio
  • Cecile 12/06/2018 22:54

    Du hast natürlich für diese Aufnahme einen grandios guten Standpunkt gewählt, denn nur so konntest du den Felsen mit den Wohnungen und die wunderschöne Landschaft auf ein Bild bekommen.
    Das alles in einem sehr schönen Licht und guter Bildqualität.
    Danke für die sehr gute Info
    Elfi Cecile
  • Matthias Moritz 08/06/2018 8:24

    An awesome view into the landscape!
  • SINA 04/06/2018 19:43

    Wunderschön lieber Alexander
    gerne würde ich auch einmL dort stehen

    Hab herzliche Grüße von mir


  • Tassos Kitsakis 03/06/2018 13:57

    Wonderful place, great history, great photo.
    Geia sou


Visto da 2.089


Fotocamera NIKON D800
Obiettivo 28.0-300.0 mm f/3.5-6.3
Diaframma 7.1
Tempo di esposizione 1/200
Distanza focale 28.0 mm
ISO 200

Hanno messo mi piace

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