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Fisherman preparing his night hunt...

Fisherman preparing his night hunt...

1.383 12

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Fisherman preparing his night hunt...

Western Macedonia
Kastoria lake

As dusk is falling on the lake, a local fisherman is prepared for his ordinnary night work...

Commenti 12

  • Mark Billiau. 17/06/2015 9:18

    Very well captured in beautiful light.
    Good compo too !

  • Harold Thompson 14/06/2015 10:15

    Looking for a place to fish
    :-)) Harold
  • Adele D. Oliver 14/06/2015 1:07

    a little boat, a man .... the sea their friend and enemy ... a splendid image and story telling here, Alex, and the light dramatic, especially with your black and white toning !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • adriana lissandrini 13/06/2015 23:07

    beautiful image with excellent light and dark, beautiful contrasts, very well composed ..... a work vey hard, powerful b / w!
    caro saluto, Adriana
  • s. sabine krause 13/06/2015 19:41

    a timeless profession, as old as the beginning of time itself. a man and his boat, universal man maybe… time at a stand still… an inkling of what eternity may feel like. forgive me for shamelessly scrolling down to hide the horizon and look at the fisherman alone, flying solo in the waves, surrounded by nature, and i find even more powerful in a meditative way! for some strange reason, i hear the tectonic plates of our age-old world pitch and heave and moan and suddenly feel at one with it… greetings, sabine.
  • Giampiero Mazzoleni 13/06/2015 16:28

  • SINA 13/06/2015 16:24

    Ein Bild von wahrer Grösse
    faszinierndes Licht und Wolkenspiel
    die vom Wind bewegten Wellen
    zwischen all Dem der Fischer Alexander
    herzliche Grüße für ein schönes Wochenende sendet Dir Kristine
  • Sue Thompson 13/06/2015 16:17

    Men have always gone down to the sea in small boats, and this is a super shot of this man as he sets out to do his nightly fishing trip.

  • Christos Banos 13/06/2015 14:39

    Very nice picture which overflows from the beautiful B/W tones!
    (Ayta ta scanners tis Nikon tis perissoteres fores "kaine" ta highlights...)
  • Sillon 13/06/2015 13:46

    Splendid and timeless, Alexander !! Jérôme
  • Brigitte H... 13/06/2015 12:26

    An image of Our Lives, the look glides over the shimmering water, the landscape in the background is fascinating ..so lonely ..
    best wishes..


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