1.767 7

Commenti 7

  • Anastasiya Ivanova 18/11/2005 15:10

    I put very stress on the definition of any picture, and as a mattre of fact bettre body of camera provides bettre result. It is under the condition that they all use the same lens for shot. I got good lenses but not very good body for that it spurs me to say so!

  • PINDORIUS 17/11/2005 19:04

    not bad :))
  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 17/11/2005 11:55

    mee a newbie too ! hehe, a great photo, a bit of space on the left, but good use of colours and the angle is also quite eye catching.
    i like it !

    jaime :)
  • Hani Alghayhab 17/11/2005 11:14

  • Vladimir Danilov 17/11/2005 11:11

    From the newbie level of judge it´s o,k for me. 8-))
  • Hani Alghayhab 17/11/2005 11:05

    hi Anastasya
    Thanks for the comment, from the master level of judge the better result you get it from the lens not from the camera.

    thanks :)
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 17/11/2005 10:48

    From the master level to judge this one, the depth of field, color brilliance and sharpness of othe whole utline can be stronger. The focus can concentrate on the nearest plant and the surrounding ground, for getting best effect here I think I will use d2x for this shot.