Her Lucky Corner
Below her dirty rim hat which blocks the sun light out her eyes she hunt in her stripe bag for a balance weight device.
Her Lucky Corner
Below her dirty rim hat which blocks the sun light out her eyes she hunt in her stripe bag for a balance weight device.
patrick hyrailles 18/09/2017 7:41
beau cliché bravomaria teresa mosna 17/09/2017 20:22
Bellissima, complimenti, ciao MtFrederick Mann 14/04/2017 10:36
excellently documentedChaito Bahamonde 14/04/2017 9:57
estupenda escena. saludos.JOKIST 13/04/2017 22:22
Eine interessante Aufnahme, gefällt uns sehr !Ingrid und Hans
Gelo Charro 13/04/2017 13:41
Un trabajo estupendo, un bello documento y un BN, de gran calidad !!!Felicidades, Glen
Claudio Micheli 13/04/2017 13:08
...un'immagine molto bella!Ciao
Dominique BEAUMONT 13/04/2017 10:17
Excellent commentaire et photo super-belle GlennAmitiés