KleinSpiegel 2
showing more constructional details of mirror mounting:
*aluminium bar with oblong holes, tripod-screw-fixed to camera
+90°-bracket, tripod-screw-fixed to alu-bar
+alu-patch srewed onto bracket
+detachable and reusable adhesive pad
+suitable-size surface mirror
all of this somewhat improvised yet, but already field-work-suitable
especially with "piggiback" slide viewer as display magnifier and stray light hood
camera´s own full or soft flash-suitable
open eye 11/11/2009 15:00
muss mir diese angaben merken das finde ich einfach super dies auch in der fc zusehen - deine super schönen 3 d bilder!lg.hannaros
Michael Schröckenfuchs 31/10/2008 21:00
Ein tolle Konstruktionlg Michael