Luna Piena
Canon EOS 300 D on Celestron 200 mm at f/6.3: 3 shots (1/640, 1/800, 1/1000 at 200 ISO) stacked in Registax 3 and afterwards elaborated in Photoshop CS 2 and Nikon Capture 2.
Luna Piena
Canon EOS 300 D on Celestron 200 mm at f/6.3: 3 shots (1/640, 1/800, 1/1000 at 200 ISO) stacked in Registax 3 and afterwards elaborated in Photoshop CS 2 and Nikon Capture 2.
Shalhevet Yigal 23/10/2008 23:19
Clean and clear shot. What equipment did you use for it ?