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morgenrot Foto & Immagine di Haeuserer Helmut ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
the walk in the field. metaphorically as a visual statement, what is the meaning of finding your way in the fiefs of life. DO you know, or is it just a camera click and you are done with a small voice saying, Yeah that is it".
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alexmile 29/07/2014 9:21
Tonung und Perspektive sehr ansprechend!VG Alex
Stephanie Wischhusen 28/07/2014 9:40
tolle perspektive, schöne tonung! gefällt mir sehr! lg steffiKlaus Eitel 28/07/2014 8:25
Eine gelungene Arbeit.Gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut.
Gruß - Klaus
Glenn Capers 28/07/2014 8:24
the walk in the field. metaphorically as a visual statement, what is the meaning of finding your way in the fiefs of life. DO you know, or is it just a camera click and you are done with a small voice saying, Yeah that is it".