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Once we were heros

Once we were heros

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Commenti 6

  • Dirk Hofmann 30/11/2004 2:29

    indeed ... it is ... ;-)
  • Lee Boueri 24/11/2004 6:05

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. The is interesting. I guess people not from a European background saw the same as I did and you are right, this picture was taken in Europe. The "pins" are reminisent of Military pins most Western countries use hence it seems to tell a different story to diferent viewers depending on your cultural background and your familiarity with the sybject. The world is a fascinating place.
  • Dirk Hofmann 23/11/2004 21:48

    yeah ... i can understand the cropping now. interesting to me that you mention "the army medals". i don't want to argue about them (at last not in a rude or angry way) but to me they look not like some kind of army medals but more like som pins you'll find very often in the mountains, especially in the european alps. by the way the cap is also common to me and although this particular form was used in ww II for the mountain troops it's still used today by older people there.
    isn't it interesting how people come to an opinion just by "seeing a cap and some stickers"?
  • Lori Fish 23/11/2004 3:45

    Great photo, tells a story.
  • Lee Boueri 22/11/2004 1:42

    Hi Dirk

    I know what you mean, the reason I croped it was that there were people in the backgroud creating "noise" an distracting from the image. I have posted the image on shutterpoint with the title "Once we were hero's" and got some good reviews. There is no relationship between me and the subject, I just thought the somber lost look on his face was telling of someone who was alone, and the army medals on his cap as well as the kaki colours tell a story of a different man at a different time who may have been risked his life for others but now finds himself alone. Not sure why that meesage did not come out here, maybe the subtle difference in titles, maybe cultural, but I wish I did have have better backgound so as not to crop the pic, but the expression to me seemed enough to tell the story. Thank you for taking the time to comment and I do appreciate your feedback. Also interest in wether the above alters your view at all?
  • Dirk Hofmann 21/11/2004 23:52

    hi lee ...

    sorry, but i don't like this one ... looks like a snapshot ... incomplete ...

    the crop is very tight and you didn't give his look any room.

    i'd tried to use a landscape format and put him into the left corner.

    anyway ... you uploaded the photo into "emotions" which indicates a special relationship between the both of you ... but this relationship isn't to be seen on the photo for a stranger.

    sounds hard, but that's what i see ... and actually it sounds harder than i mean it ... ;-)

    take care