Oulo 2 Foto % Immagini| europe, scandinavia, finland Foto su fotocommunity
Oulo 2 Foto & Immagine di Anthony Harris ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
Fantastic colors and outstanding mood, Anthony.
But maybe you can try the next time to make a different crop. Less sky and more foreground to create more depth. Anyway, lovely sight and capture to watch.
Greetings, Cees
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A. Deichvoigt 18/07/2007 21:37
Tolles Bild mit super Farben und einer schönen Spiegelung.A.D.
Cees Kuijs 18/07/2007 9:19
Fantastic colors and outstanding mood, Anthony.But maybe you can try the next time to make a different crop. Less sky and more foreground to create more depth. Anyway, lovely sight and capture to watch.
Greetings, Cees
Chris N 30/04/2007 12:09
Tolles Farbenspiel und klasse Spiegelung. Sehr gelungen.Gruß Chris
Peter Härlein 29/04/2007 20:13
Farbe, Bildaufbau und Spiegelung klasse. Evtl. die Schärfe fehlt etwas.Gruss, Peter
Karen Thomas 29/04/2007 12:36
beautiful colours, lovely photoKeevil Harris 27/04/2007 21:24
Splendid photo. I like the colours and reflection.UFotografie 27/04/2007 20:35
herrliches FarbenspielGruß