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Romeo and Juliette

Romeo and Juliette

942 14

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Romeo and Juliette


A quite different and not so romantic version of balcony-street contact!...

Commenti 14

  • s. sabine krause 25/11/2015 9:50

    romeo and juliet… are out at the beach! grumpy grandma capulet is doing the washing for them, reluctantly hanging their blue jeans side by side as they requested – ah, young love! always so self-centered, and permanently bordering on the completely absurd! ; ) hilarious capture and title, alexander! greetings, sabine.
  • SINA 24/11/2015 8:28

    Ja einen alten Romeo würde ich ihr wünschen
    vielleicht brächte das ihr Gesicht zum Strahlen
    und sie könnten ihre Zeit bis es so weit ist wieder zu gehen zusammen verbringen.....lach
    Ein eindringlich gutes Foto wie so oft
    herzlich Kristine
  • Mustafa Cem Çubuk 23/11/2015 20:31

    Nice shot but Juliette seems to be waiting for long...
  • Dinu Filipescu 21/11/2015 13:33

    Well, it`the postmodern concept. She, at least, survived.
    So, I understand , you are an optimist .
  • sparkling light 21/11/2015 9:19

    " Romeo! A casa!" she seems to have shouted.
    Strong photo matched by an even stronger title.
    Ciao, Jost
  • catherine Berthe 20/11/2015 17:32

    très bon titre pour cette scène du quotidien d'une grande authenticité !!! tout ce que j'aime ++++ amitiés catherine
  • Jaap Koer 20/11/2015 15:42

    Not the best one!
  • rolandblum photography 20/11/2015 15:38

    if you in this case are romeo you should start to sing or tell a poem !
    great scene in b/w !
  • Giampiero Mazzoleni 20/11/2015 14:43

    Bellissimo scatto e ottimo il BW, bravo !!
    ciao,m Giampi
  • Harold Thompson 20/11/2015 9:36

    Nicely caught candid street scene not sure the lady is happy about the photo though
    :-)) Harold
  • Sue Thompson 20/11/2015 8:27

    It's wash day... and on top of that some guy is pointing a camera at me... what's to be happy about. A sad little tale but what an excellent picture... a snapshot of life how it really is for some.

  • Franco Uliviero 20/11/2015 7:41

    I think you were Romeo and Juliet shows your expression indignant, not very friendly, I think you throw you off the balcony ..
    Very well reflecting a recovery time has stopped many years ago,
    Hello Alexandros
  • Adele D. Oliver 20/11/2015 1:36

    just terrific, Alex - your image, your title .... her expression far from loving :-)))) well spotted and taken, great tones and definition !!!
    greetings, Adele



Visto da 942


Fotocamera NIKON D200
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 5.6
Tempo di esposizione 1/60
Distanza focale 100.0 mm
ISO 400