Somebody Is Watching
rocks in Prideaux Haven form the strangest faces .... when we are in the dinghy I always hold my head sideways to spot them :-))))
and here the original photo:
Somebody Is Watching
rocks in Prideaux Haven form the strangest faces .... when we are in the dinghy I always hold my head sideways to spot them :-))))
and here the original photo:
fiveofnine 04/11/2014 7:50
+ sieht extraterrestrisch aus +LG 5of9
silvanaW 26/10/2014 13:14
Great and awesome*** :-))phonya 08/10/2014 23:01
wow - a table of magic figures! very creative use of your picture with the impressive reflection ...greetings phonya
Stefan J.A.M. 08/10/2014 17:15
Je länger ich auf diese Aufnahme schaue, desto mehr entdecke ich. Durch die Drehung des Fotos und deine Bearbeitung in s/w hast du vieles hervorgehoben, was auf dem Original verborgen geblieben wäre oder besser, was man bei flüchtigem Betrachten übersehen hätte.lG Stefan
yogati 08/10/2014 13:11
What a wonderful totem pole, it looks great in b/ wBai ati
Markus 4 08/10/2014 12:57
hier kann die Phantasie wunderbar spielenHabedieehre
anthony ryan 08/10/2014 12:26
I find this wonderfully intriguing Adele,it was wonderfully spotted and captured and your black and white detail brings out the figure beautifully.Tony
Jenipher Baker 08/10/2014 12:13
:-) I agree with Sabina . definitely a totem pole :-) ..well seen Adelelg Jenipher
s. sabine krause 08/10/2014 9:20
…still grimly looking for leonid's goddess whom my eyes refuse to see… my deranged fragmented self ; ) sees a totem pole instead, showing many different grotesque monkey and eagle faces arranged on top of each other, and all grimacing at me in schadenfreude because i don't see the cloaked lady… ; )) a great idea to flip it and present it in this surreal way, adele! hugs, sabine. p.s.: my first naughty thought was: rocky rorschach test! ; ))Mark Billiau. 08/10/2014 8:58
Very mysterious presentation this way !Well done !
Emilio Sirletti 08/10/2014 7:34
In the black-white version of the image is even more mysterious, but to look even more attractive .Hugs, Emilio
Catherine de Montréal 08/10/2014 7:10
EXTRA +++Sigrid E 08/10/2014 4:17
Gleiches Motiv und doch eine ganz andere Wirkung. Für mich sieht das aus wie eine Figur, die auf dem Kopf eines anderen sitzt. Ganz stark!!!LG Sigrid
Ruth Hutsteiner 08/10/2014 1:42
Rotating the image and convert to black and white give rise to a very different picture.I can discover also a woman who looks at me seriously.
She looks scary, one might almost be afraid of her.
adriana lissandrini 07/10/2014 23:39
striking, you're right! seem carved excellent glance and extraordinary sharpness and b / whugs, Adriana