summer feet Foto % Immagini| kids, people Foto su fotocommunity
summer feet Foto & Immagine di Monika Brandt ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
I really like shots of feet and shoes like this one. I leaves the entire story up to the viewer's imagination.
Your exposure has allowed the image to keep texture and tonal values through most of the important areas of the frame. However, I think the foot on the right side is just slightly overexposed.
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Saska S. 30/08/2008 13:06
Great image.Mimo Moser 01/03/2008 14:19
Nice picture with very interesting tone and lightning.Regards,
Anna (Veter Zaliva) 05/04/2007 14:39
touching ))Zahangir Kabir 11/03/2007 10:18
nice shotthe clay boy
Zahangir KabirComy 11/03/2007 5:29
i like it...Daren Borzynski 10/03/2007 21:06
Wonderful image Monika.Really like the detail & texture.
I think Jim could be right about the left foot... looks a little bit bright.
Monika Brandt 10/03/2007 20:52
Thank you Jim for your comment...Jim McKinniss 10/03/2007 20:07
I really like shots of feet and shoes like this one. I leaves the entire story up to the viewer's imagination.Your exposure has allowed the image to keep texture and tonal values through most of the important areas of the frame. However, I think the foot on the right side is just slightly overexposed.