2.638 9

Berthold Klammer

Premium (World), near Aachen

Supermarket Lady

The first look may get you on the wrong side...

Yes this is a shot I made in a museum in Aachen last weekend. The "Supermarket Lady" is a hyper realistic sculpture made by Duane Hanson and normally just stands around somewhere in the museum - until you get a closer look...

Just for all: That's not me in the photo!... I asked another visitor who was shooting photos to let me shoot him....

Commenti 9

  • Andrew J.W. 12/06/2011 10:18

    Great picture and great idea including the person who takes the picture in the frame!
  • Michael Grotkamp 10/06/2011 11:46

    terrific in sense of the word.
    strong performed performance.
    like it, its sensual and sad
    in the constructive kind of your
    subline message, to risk
    everytime an unloaded second
    look. only strong this.
    lg michael

  • Silvana W. 09/06/2011 21:38

    Fabulous ¡¡:. I would have asked her for fire to my cigaret.
    ..also,this momment remembers me to the actions / reactions Dadá
  • Alfredo Mazzoni 09/06/2011 17:54

    Una ottima cattura!!! Eccellente composizione!!!
    Cari saluti
  • viola d 09/06/2011 15:28

    But for your explanation I would have never thought the lady wasn't a real person. A fine capture. Rgds, Viola
  • s. sabine krause 09/06/2011 14:01

    : ))))))) duane hanson is great!!! his people sculptures are just amazing!! they are so spooky! whenever yo walk up to them in an exhibition you can literally feel their aura – they seem to be living, breathing… freaks!! and this lady here appears to be looking directly into the camera, posing patiently for the photographer – but could he be flesh and blood? maybe there's yet another man (YOU!) taking a picture of a male dummy taking a picture of a female dummy! but who's taking YOUR picture??? one wonders… ; ))) hyperrealism at its best, both in the art of duane hanson and in the art of… berthold klammer! ; ))) lg, sabine.
  • Fons van Swaal 09/06/2011 10:32

    Excellent work Berthold , had to look twice and after reading I knew......;-)))
    Best regards,
  • Dragomir Vukovic 09/06/2011 9:47

  • Adele D. Oliver 09/06/2011 1:52

    Yes, this image absolutely fooled me - was going to say how rough she looked and how sad. What a lifelike sculpture and reminiscent of the 60s when one could see women in their rollers in public. Excellent image with you (?) checking out the camera - don't quite know how you did this.
    greetings, Adele


Cartelle People
Visto da 2.638


Fotocamera NIKON D700
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 11
Tempo di esposizione 1/125
Distanza focale 29.0 mm
ISO 1800