The Nat pavilion at Botataung Pagoda
The Nat pavilion holds an almost life size image of Bo Bo Gyi, who is believed to be the Nat spirit guarding the pagoda. Bo Bo Gyi is depicted as an old man wearing very colorful clothing.
Nat worshipping still plays an important role in present day Burma and has over the course of the centuries merged with Buddhism. The Nat pavilion is located at the end of an intricately decorated bridge crossing a pond. The pond is full of turtles and fish waiting to be fed.
Sesostris 19/08/2020 17:52
Traumhaft schön :)lg
Valery 08/08/2020 13:51
Sehr gut!Matthias Moritz 08/08/2020 7:32
fascinating details of architecture!Vitória Castelo Santos 07/08/2020 17:14
Sehr schön und feine gezeigt!LG Vitoria
Benita Sittner 07/08/2020 13:41
...sehr schön gestaltetes Foto...ich erinnere mich...ich fand es sehr schön gab viele Details zu entdecken und die Farben in diesen Tempeln haben mich auch total begeistert....VLG Benita