Tornado of barracudas Foto % Immagini| underwater, nature Foto su fotocommunity
Tornado of barracudas Foto & Immagine di Leon2611 ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
The first impression I had when I saw this picture of yours, a few minutes ago, was the beauty of perfection (i.e. a regular circle form) mixed with wild life.
The reflections of the light on some of the fish give a dynamic sense to this fascinating blue world.
Thanks for sharing!
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Donata Casiraghi 14/04/2015 17:07
The first impression I had when I saw this picture of yours, a few minutes ago, was the beauty of perfection (i.e. a regular circle form) mixed with wild life.The reflections of the light on some of the fish give a dynamic sense to this fascinating blue world.
Thanks for sharing!