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Trán Vu statue in Quán Thánh Temple

Trán Vu statue in Quán Thánh Temple

1.142 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Trán Vu statue in Quán Thánh Temple

Because of the famous statue, Quán Thánh Temple was once wrongly named by the French as "Pagoda of the Big Buddha". But the giant bronze statue depicts Trán Vu as a deity with his two symbolic animals, the serpent and the turtle.
This statue is measured 3.96 metres in height, weighs around 3,600 kilograms. Considered a masterpiece of Vietnamese bronze casting and sculpture, it is the second biggest bronze statue in Vietnam.
Trán Vu is one of the higher-ranking Taoist deities. He is revered as a powerful god, able to control the elements and capable of great magic.

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Cartelle Vietnam in the north
Visto da 1.142


Fotocamera NIKON D700
Obiettivo 28.0-105.0 mm f/2.8-4.0
Diaframma 3.5
Tempo di esposizione 1/60
Distanza focale 28.0 mm
ISO 200
