Fabiano Marçal

Free Account, Maua - Sao Paulo

Su di me

Fotógrafo desde 1986, profissionalizou-se em 1992.
Especializado em ensaios sensuais, moda e foto-jornalismo.
Atuou nas principais publicações brasileiras, dentre elas:
Revista Playboy
Ti Ti Ti
Chiques e Famosos
Sexy Magazine
Revista da Pan
Chic & Sensual
Espaço Equestre
EQ Magazine
G Magazine
Touch Of Class
Pioneiro na fotografia digital, trabalhou nos principais sites de entretenimento do Brasil, destacando:
Afterdark - Terra Network
Camera Night - Super IG
Noite Ao Vivo
Fotos e Festas
Cena Digital
Cravo & Canela - O Site
Chantili - IG - BR TURBO - IBEST
Nubia Oliiver
Playboy - site
VIP - site
The One - Minhas Mulheres
São Paulo Fashion Week - 2002 - As Melhores de VIP e As Melhores de Elle
2005 - La Isla - A Ilha e o Homem (20 imagens)

Commenti 2

  • Matthias Moritz 10/01/2007 20:07

    Hello Fabiano!
    I also would like to welcome you warmly to fotocommunity.com and I would like to encourage you to participate in writing comments to other photographers the same way you expect to get them for your own work. You´ll see, it will work after a time to get more feedbacks..:-))

    Great to have you here from Brazil!

    Kind Regards

    Matthias Moritz
    Channel Manager TOPICS
  • Der Zacki 10/01/2007 18:58

    Hi Fabiano,

    Welcome the the fotocommunity.com

    The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences.
    So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further
    questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.

    Our info system is up right now but it is growing permanent:



    cheers Peter
    Channelmanager Nature
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