Many thanks for your interest in my photos.
I was pleased to see that you found seven photos that you liked in particular to comment to.
That is great. I enjoyed a number of your nudes as well.
Good work.
All the best from Canada, and happy shooting.
Simona Carli 02/09/2008 11:35
grazie Andrea!;o)francesco mura 02/09/2008 10:25
... grazie per il tuo apprezzato commento ,,,... complimenti per il tuo album, in particolare il B/N ...
Marco Boragine 02/09/2008 7:50
Grazie mille Andrea...MarcoBodil Hegnby Larsen 01/09/2008 17:15
Grazie Andrea!ciao
Maria Simona Monti 30/08/2008 11:41
grazie !
Domenico Sedona 30/08/2008 7:03
un piacereDouble A 30/08/2008 2:16
Hi Andrea,Many thanks for your interest in my photos.
I was pleased to see that you found seven photos that you liked in particular to comment to.
That is great. I enjoyed a number of your nudes as well.
Good work.
All the best from Canada, and happy shooting.
Antonio Morri 29/08/2008 11:44
Grazie Andrea!Domenico Sedona 29/08/2008 7:10
de nadaAlexio Caprara 29/08/2008 0:36
grazie per il commentomi fa piacere che ti sia piaciuta
é un onore ricevere commenti da té
grazie mille
Marco Boragine 29/08/2008 0:22
io penso proprio di no!!!;-)
Domenico Sedona 28/08/2008 19:33
un piacereMassimo Mannucci 28/08/2008 0:31
Grazie Andrea del bel commento!:o)
Antonio Saponaro 27/08/2008 23:26
Grazie Andrea.
Chiara Zavolta 27/08/2008 18:52
Ma grazie!!!