Spitsoor 22/03/2010 23:49
Hi Steffen,thnx very much for taking the effort to comment on one of my photos.
greetz, Anita
Canan Oner 21/03/2010 11:03
Thank you so much Steffen !!!Have a nice Sunday
Gunther Ortlepp 16/03/2010 17:05
software: tiltshiftmaker.com
lg Gunther
- Edith Vogel 15/03/2010 11:46
DANKE für deine nette Anmerkung,l.g.edith
noricom 06/03/2010 10:09
Thank you.....Danke,
...... for your support and for my recent star:
Massimo Gherardi 05/03/2010 20:14
Thank you for your kind words on my picBest regards, Massimo
Henrique A B Azevedo 12/02/2010 19:53
Thanks for the comment...Natalja Dralova 02/02/2010 6:24
Thank you very much,Steffen!Best wishes, Natalja
Foto D. 11/09/2009 22:25
Hallo Steffen,danke für die nette Anmerkung zu meinem Foto
es hat mich sehr gefreut.
Liebe Grüße Hans
Vill 11/09/2009 22:17
Danke für deine nette Anmerkung zu meinem Bild!Du hast klasse Bilder in deiner Galerie, da werde ich öfter mal vorbei schauen! +++
Nette Grüße Vill
Janusz Wa 22/07/2009 23:38
all photos very nice !!!Marina Kazakova 22/09/2008 17:59
Dear Steffen! Many thanks for kind words to my photo. This place is called Mickhailovsk nearby 120 km from Ekaterinburg.http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=56.45661,59.173737&spn=0.06194,0.152607&t=h&z=13
PS. Forgive for the late answer, I was unwell a little...
Best regards, Marina
felidae. 26/12/2007 15:15
Welcome to the Fotocommunity.com.We`re glad that you`ve found this place to share your passion for photography.
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Enjoy the fotocommunity! :-) :-) :-)
Grit Siwonia, Youth channel manager