Antonio Morri 12/02/2008 19:03
Grazie ancora!Luigi Scorsino 12/02/2008 11:38
1000Merci ElatLuigi
Kedi 12/02/2008 11:13
Hello! Thank you so much for your kind comment Olave.. Appreciated a lot... :)Best Wishes
Renato Orsini 12/02/2008 10:00
Thanks a lot Manuel,i appreciate very much your comments! ciao Renato
Antonio Morri 12/02/2008 9:49
Ti ringrazio!Claudio Capobianchi 11/02/2008 14:36
Grazie davvero per la visita :-))claudio
Tobias P. Göbel 11/02/2008 14:17
You have quite a number of very nice pictures!Tobias,-
adriana lissandrini 11/02/2008 9:38
Grazie gentilissimo Manuel! buona giornata AdrianaSadie Bleistein 10/02/2008 22:02
Thanks for all your great comments!!!Sadie
Luigi Riccitiello 10/02/2008 13:34
Grazie anche per questa,Manuel. Ciaoadriana lissandrini 09/02/2008 22:21
Grazie Manuel per il tuo bel commento. Ciao, Adrianadas Bilderzimmer 09/02/2008 21:48
Hey Manuel,thanks for your friendly comments. You asked me what kind of breed my Horse is. His Father was an Arabian Horse and his Mother was a little Pony.
friendly greetings
Ricko 09/02/2008 21:26
Hi OlaveThanks for you comment mate.
Have a great week
Cheers Ricko
Vitória Castelo Santos 09/02/2008 20:28
Merci bien pour ta gentille visiteAmitiés
Fotografo 09/02/2008 0:39
Dziekuj za mile slowa!Gdzie nauczyles sie po Polsku?
lg fotografo