William Williamson 29/04/2009 1:27
Hi Mance;Thank you very much for the comment.
Regards William.
nobodyno 29/04/2009 0:48
Hallo Joachim,vielen herzlichen Dank für Deine Anmerkungen zu meinen Bildern von Frankfurt :-)
Liebe Grüssle Doris
Buscalavida 28/04/2009 22:20
ups..Danke;-)Gruss Busca
William Williamson 28/04/2009 20:49
Hi Mance;Thank you for the comment.
Regards William.
Guglielmo Rispoli 27/04/2009 23:15
Thanks MANCEWilliam Williamson 27/04/2009 12:08
Hi Mance;Thanks for your comments on the fotos.
Regards William.
Giorgio Biguzzi 25/04/2009 16:42
Thanks for you kind words to my pictures.Cheers
Giorgio Biguzzi 25/04/2009 16:36
Thanks for your comment.Ciao
William Williamson 25/04/2009 10:33
Hi Mance;Thanks for the kind comment.
Regards William.
Guglielmo Rispoli 25/04/2009 10:08
Thanks MANCEGuglielmo Rispoli 24/04/2009 22:45
THANKS MANCEWilliam Williamson 24/04/2009 22:42
Hi Mance;Thanks for the comment.
Regards William.
Giorgio Biguzzi 24/04/2009 14:42
Thank you Mance.Cheers
Nico Kehder 23/04/2009 21:48
vielen lieben Dank für deine Worte!Guglielmo Rispoli 22/04/2009 22:25
Thanks MANCE............................. ciao Guglielmo