thank you Brigitta, I will just stop for a while to send photos to photocommunity and due to a pick in working time. I'll be back soon online with new pics :-)) Thank you very much for your nice comments. I really appreciate them. Have a nice week!
fabrizio caron 23/06/2009 14:16
grazie Britt!!! ciaoooooooooooo!! :-))))fabry
Alfredo Mazzoni 23/06/2009 8:14
Thank you very nice Brigitta, dear greetings AlfredoChristian Bertero 21/06/2009 11:36
grazie grazie Brigitta
Alfredo Mazzoni 21/06/2009 7:25
Grazie ed un caro saluto Brigitta, buona domenica Alfredobayerlein ute 20/06/2009 9:35
ich danke dir! gglg uteAlfredo Mazzoni 20/06/2009 7:42
Vielen lieben dank Brigitta zu deinernetten anmerkung
Have a nice week end!!! Lieben Gruß [
Alfredo Mazzoni 19/06/2009 9:00
Hallo Brigitta, vielen lieben dank zu deinernetten anmerkung
Have a nice week end!!! Lieben Gruß Alfredo
roland gruss 18/06/2009 22:51
nochmals danke
habe zwischen ameisen und anderen getier gelegen um das bild in den kasten zu bekommen ;-)
lg roland
roland gruss 18/06/2009 22:44
ich danke dir
ich habe erst zu hause gesehen was ich da abgelichtet habe;-))
lg roland
Alfredo Mazzoni 17/06/2009 9:08
Felice della visita Brigitta, un carissimo saluto ed una bella giornata di luce, Alfredoroland gruss 16/06/2009 21:25
ich danke dir für deine anmerkung
lg roland
The Wanderers 16/06/2009 15:28
Vielen Dank für Deine Liebe Grüße, Brigitta!LG ULrike
Alfredo Mazzoni 16/06/2009 8:55
Grazie molte Brigitta, un caro saluto AlfredoChristian Bertero 14/06/2009 22:48
Dank Brigitta, aber nicht Familie ...
fabrizio caron 14/06/2009 14:47
thank you Brigitta, I will just stop for a while to send photos to photocommunity and due to a pick in working time. I'll be back soon online with new pics :-)) Thank you very much for your nice comments. I really appreciate them. Have a nice week!fabry