This image is the torso of a wedding dress (with pink and... green colours). As an armor and a prison. The boyfriend flees the wedding day and then sends a telegram, "But please do not cry" (five words for a dollar).
He also talks about his mother -she was careful of my feelings "care like a prong"- and how ate the wedding cake she alone.
Jovanca, this is a game with the poems book by A. Carson. She chooses a line from Keats and serves as a prelude to his next poem. You can see them in the folder sorted.
I continue the game. I choose the poem fits the image.
The text is a poem by Anne Carson (The Beauty of the Husband)
Talk about a teenager devoured by passion. An insistent lover, and a protective and severe mother.
yªmpo 06/11/2013 19:34
Very long time!!Hi Jovanca, and thanks for your comments.
yªmpo 02/06/2013 15:15
Thanks for your words Jovanca.
Good Sunday.
gollospiel 27/03/2013 22:47
Beim schnellen Durchblick deiner Bilder denke ich, das "anders" ein Komplement ist. Freut micht! glgyªmpo 10/03/2013 12:26
Thank you, Jovanca. The text, has no importance.
yªmpo 11/01/2013 21:19
¡¡Bingo!!Alien Cupid.
Matthew Pine 20/12/2012 0:08
Danke ...cooles neues Profilbild ... mag ich
yªmpo 19/12/2012 0:04
Thank you Jovanca.
yªmpo 15/11/2012 21:08
Thank you Jovanca.
I suppose that yes. In the decisive moment...
All for a smile from ear to ear.
yªmpo 20/10/2012 20:24
Hi. I'm Dark Soul.:-)))
This image is the torso of a wedding dress (with pink and... green colours). As an armor and a prison. The boyfriend flees the wedding day and then sends a telegram, "But please do not cry" (five words for a dollar).
He also talks about his mother -she was careful of my feelings "care like a prong"- and how ate the wedding cake she alone.
Thank you Jovanca.
Good weekend.
yªmpo 11/10/2012 1:04
... again...Jovanca, this is a game with the poems book by A. Carson. She chooses a line from Keats and serves as a prelude to his next poem. You can see them in the folder sorted.
I continue the game. I choose the poem fits the image.
It all makes sense.
yªmpo 03/10/2012 23:17
Thank you again Jovanca.Greetings.
Erkan Camlilar 03/10/2012 0:02
vielen dank für deinen beitrag ... =) ... würde mal orange grüße dalassen ...lg
yªmpo 26/09/2012 21:37
Thanks Jovanca.
The text is a poem by Anne Carson (The Beauty of the Husband)
Talk about a teenager devoured by passion. An insistent lover, and a protective and severe mother.
Crystalline 24/09/2012 15:57
Viele Deiner Bilder sind ganz mein Geschmack.Ich mags.
fotoGrafica 20/09/2012 17:23
dein edles profilbildgruss wolfgang